Haute-Garonne : Get a freezer for free
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Freezer : the latest free ads near you
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There are currently over 450,000 free items available on Geev.
You will always find what you need, for free.
- Refrigerator Haute-Garonne
- Freezer Haute-Garonne
- Dishwasher Haute-Garonne
- Washing Machine Haute-Garonne
- Dryer Haute-Garonne
- Stove Haute-Garonne
- Cooktop Haute-Garonne
- Extractor Hood Haute-Garonne
- Oven Haute-Garonne
- Microwave Haute-Garonne
- Drink Preparation Haute-Garonne
- Toaster Haute-Garonne
- Kitchen Appliance and Robot Haute-Garonne
- Vacuum and Steam Cleaner Haute-Garonne
- Heating and Air Conditioning Haute-Garonne
- Other Appliances Haute-Garonne
- Paris
- Gironde
- Rhône
- Nord
- Bouches-du-Rhône
- Val-de-Marne
- Loire-Atlantique
- Seine-Saint-Denis
- Hauts-de-Seine
- Yvelines
- Val-d'Oise
- Essonne
- Seine-et-Marne
- Hérault
- Pas-de-Calais
- Bas-Rhin
- Ille-et-Vilaine
- Seine-Maritime
- Isère
- Alpes-Maritimes
- Var
- Furniture Haute-Garonne
- Home Haute-Garonne
- Garden and Outdoor Haute-Garonne
- DIY Haute-Garonne
- Appliances Haute-Garonne
- Tech and Electronics Haute-Garonne
- Fashion Haute-Garonne
- Beauty Haute-Garonne
- Leisure, Games, and Culture Haute-Garonne
- Childcare Haute-Garonne
- Sports and Mobility Haute-Garonne
- Pet Store Haute-Garonne
- Food Haute-Garonne
How does Geev work?
Find what you're looking for
You agree on a meeting with the giver.
You collect the item for free!
Frequently asked questions

What is the principle of Geev?
Geev is the leading app for giving away items between individuals in France. Because we all have a good reason to give, Geev makes giving accessible to everyone, everywhere, and at all times.
With geolocation, users can find the closest donations to their home.
Geev in numbers is:
- 5 million users
- 25 million donations
- 180,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided
- €200 million of purchasing power redistributed
Is Geev free?
Yes, using Geev is free for all those who wish to participate in the donation and retrieval of items between individuals. Here are important details to know:
1. Access and use without fees: Accessing the Geev platform, whether via the mobile app or the website, requires no payment. Users can sign up, browse through listings, and post their own donations for free.
2. Geev Plus - a plan to save even more: For those looking to enhance their experience on Geev, there is the Geev+ plan which offers exclusive benefits such as the ability to access the best listings first, unlimited contact, and retrieve six times more items or to browse without ads.
How to retrieve objects for free?
To retrieve objects for free on Geev, follow these steps:
1. Download the Geev app on your smartphone or go to the Geev website.
2. Create an account by following the on-screen instructions.
3. Use the geolocation feature to find available items near you.
4. Contact the giver via the integrated messaging system of the app to express your interest and arrange the details for the retrieval of the item.
5. Arrange a meeting with the giver to retrieve the item for free.
What is the purpose of bananas on Geev?
On Geev, bananas act as contact credits. To welcome you, 10 bananas are offered to you! 🎁 These bananas are used to contact a Geever for an ad. To get more bananas, you can make a donation.
How can I find free listings near me?
Use Geev's geolocated search function to discover available listings in your area. Then, contact the giver via the integrated messaging to arrange the retrieval of the item.
Geev is the leading app for person-to-person object donations in France.
Geev sees 550,000 ads posted every month, equating to a donation made every 3 seconds!
With 26 million items donated, 239,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions have been avoided since 2017!
Our 5 million users have saved more than 137 million euros thanks to Geev!
Install our app!
Discover our categories
- Furniture
- Table
- Sofa
- Armchair
- Chair and other Seating
- Desk
- Small Storage Furniture
- Large Storage Furniture
- Bedding
- Kitchen
- Other Furniture
- Home
- Tableware
- Kitchen Utensil
- Pots and Pans
- Wall Decoration
- Decoration Items
- Lighting
- Rug
- Curtains and Blinds
- Home Linen
- Storage
- Cleaning Products and Equipment
- Other Home Equipment
- Vouchers and Gift Cards
- Garden and Outdoor
- Outdoor Furniture
- Plants
- Cuttings, Plants, and Seeds
- Flower Pot
- Motorized lawn mower and garden tools
- Garden Maintenance
- Barbecue and Plancha
- Pool and Spa
- Outdoor Games
- Firewood and Logs
- Stone, Rubble, Fill
- Other Outdoor Equipment
- Hand Tool
- Power Tool
- Hardware
- Painting Equipment
- Plumbing Equipment
- Electrical Supplies
- Building Material
- Wood, Board, and Pallet
- Carpentry
- Vehicle Maintenance and Equipment
- Cardboard
- Appliances
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Dishwasher
- Washing Machine
- Dryer
- Stove
- Cooktop
- Extractor Hood
- Oven
- Microwave
- Drink Preparation
- Toaster
- Kitchen Appliance and Robot
- Vacuum and Steam Cleaner
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Other Appliances
- Tech and Electronics
- Television
- Computers and Tablets
- Printer
- Chargers and Cables
- Computer Accessories
- Phone
- Phone Accessories
- Headphones and Earbuds
- Audio System
- Photo and Video
- Smart Devices
- Other Electronics
- Fashion
- Women's Clothing
- Women's Shoes
- Women's Accessories
- Men's Clothing
- Men's Shoes
- Men's Accessories
- Children's Clothing
- Children's Shoes
- Children's Accessories
- Jewelry
- Bags and Luggage
- Beauty
- Hygiene and Care Products
- Makeup
- Fragrance
- Hygienic Protection
- Beauty Accessories
- Beauty Electrical Appliances
- Leisure, Games, and Culture
- Books
- DVD, Blu-ray, and VHS
- CD and Vinyl
- Board Games and Puzzles
- Video Games and Consoles
- Toys and Plush
- Stationery and Supplies
- Fine Arts
- Sewing
- Musical Instruments
- Costumes and Party
- Tickets
- Childcare
- Stroller and Car Seat
- Furniture
- Decoration
- Clothing
- Hygiene and Care
- Baby Linen
- Plush Toys, Games and Learning
- Accessories
- Maternity
- Other Baby Equipment
- Baby Food
- Sports and Mobility
- Bikes
- Bike Equipment
- Scooters, Skates and Skateboards
- Other Vehicles
- Ball
- Fitness and Bodybuilding Machines
- Racket Sports
- Mountain
- Pool and Beach
- Sports Equipment and Accessories
- Sports Clothing
- Sports Shoes
- Pet Store
- Animal Food and Treats
- Animal Toys
- Animal Accessories
- Animal Equipment
- Animal Hygiene and Health
- Food
- Food